age: 6
Harley is the sweetest cat ever. He loves to take naps in the sun, give head boops, and eat all day.
age: 4 months
Dubs is a russian cat who loves to cuddle, play, and drink all day.
age: 9
Rescue loves to sleep on the couch, and play with his brothers.
age: 6
Shaddow is a realy sweet cat who loves to eat people food, sleep, and to sit on his owners lap for hours.
age: 9
Mitsy is a sassy outdoor cat whose favorite things consist of guarding the house, chasing birds, and fighting with her sister
age: 18
Leo is the sweetest cat ever. He loves to lay on books, and cuddle with his owner.
age: 10
Daisy loves to sleep.
age: 17
Oreo loves to sleep on the couch.
age: 9
Shnitzel loves to sneak up and give you hugs.